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Here's a list of parties that I have rated from #1 to poop. The new parties are listed at the top. o3o




Summer has arrived in Jamaa, and that can only mean one thing:

the Summer Carnival has returned!
The Summer Carnival is the best place for summer fun. Whether you like cool games, neat activities, meeting new buddies, or exclusive prizes that can’t be found anywhere else, the Summer Carnival is for you! And the best part is that the Summer Carnival fun will last all summer long!

This epic party will be here for a few months, so play some games, buy some stuff, and make some delicious cotton candy. Enjoy it while it lasts!

The Jam Session Party!

Woo hoo! Finally a new party!  The items it has are a guitar, drum, keytar, accordion, and a clarinet. The only non member item is a clarinet (which looks pretty awesome on wolves). You’ve got a ticket to the Jam Session, Jamaa’s newest, most exclusive, and most musical party! At the Jam Session, you and your buddies can head to the stage, play a number of different instruments, and create new music! You can also pick up some cool instrument accessories from the Jam Session Shop!

((Also, if a bunch of people get onstage and dance, the lights will go nuts and the special effects will go all awesome and stuff. It's pretty awesome.))


poopiest party: pets only party. That's right. It sucks. Don't go there. 

​#8: penguins only party

#7: monkeys only party

#6: wolves only party

#5: horses only party

#4: dinner party

#3: paradise party

#2: cruise ship party

#1: play wild party

If you have any advice or want to agree/disagree on the order of the parties, email me at or Yup. 



Here's a bunch of parties.

​Click the button above to see all new/clearanced AJ items!

Some great animal facts!

​Click the button above to see some stuff about me and some of my best buddies!

Click the button above to learn all about the main alphas of Jamaa!

Click this button to see all items for sale back when AJ was beta!!

AJ's Official Blog

Click this button to see all of AJ's videos on their official youtube channel!

Rare Item Monday!

Click the button above for some FREE STUFF!!

Click here for all about gems!

All achievements ever!

All about Diamonds and how to get them!

Click here to see my new story, The Truth! (It's about phantoms and stuff)

Animal Jam rumors and secrets you probably never knew about!!

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